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DEC Provide Kayak Moorings for Ningaloo Snorkelers
- Nick Middleton

The Department of Environment and Conservation have installed 10 kayak moorings along the Ningaloo Coast. These sites are located in the Bundegi, Tantabiddi, Osprey (all near Exmouth) and Maud (near Coral Bay) Sanctuary Zones. Each site will provide a range of snorkelling experiences for the users and the moorings can be identified by their appearance (black buoys with white lettering). For more information about each site see the DEC website:
Before embarking on a kayak trip consider the following about your capabilities, things you will need to take and the conditions you might experience.
Personal Capabilities and Needs:
- Are you capable of paddling for an extended period of time, snorkelling and then paddling back to shore;
- Can you disembark a kayak, snorkel and then remount a kayak (practise near shore before departing for offshore moorings);
- Carry ample water;
- Wear sun protection (sunburn cream, hat, long sleeve shirt);
- If possible take some food for after your snorkel to provide energy for your paddle back to shore;
- Take a lanyard or some other attachment to secure your paddle to the kayak and another to tie up to the mooring;
- Wear personal floatation devices (PFDs);
- Carry other safety equipment where appropriate (see Department of Transport Paddle Safe website)
- Make sure that you tell someone where you are kayaking and when they should expect you back and let them know when you return safely.
Weather and Ocean Conditions:
- Before departing consider if the wind and swell/chop conditions will be favourable at the site you want to kayak and snorkel at;
- Consider the tide conditions;
- When at the site make an assessment of other conditions such as currents and be aware of you position relative to your mooring and the effort required to return to it;
- Be aware of other threats such as stinging jellyfish and motor boats which may be present at the site.
For your kayak needs in Exmouth and Coral Bay and further advice on kayaking in the Ningaloo region contact:
Nicci and John at Exmouth Mini Golf, who hire kayaks and snorkelling gear,
- mobile: 0422779622
- e-mail: exmouthminigolf@gmail.com
The staff at Exmouth Tackle and Camping Supplies, who sell kayaks and equipment and can provide advice about kayaking in the Exmouth area:
- phone: (08) 9949 1179
- website: http://www.exmouthtackleandcamping.com.au/
The staff at Ningaloo Kayak Adventures, who hire kayaks and equipment and provide tours in the Coral Bay area:
- mobile: 0429 425 889
- website: http://www.ningalookayakadventures.com/
- If you are a kayak service provider in the Ningaloo region and would like to be included here please contact ningaloo@aims.gov.au
To see the location of the mooring sites on a map click here to open them in Google Maps or download the kmz file below and view them in Google Earth.
To see the current and forecast weather conditions see the following websites:
http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDW60801/IDW60801.94302.shtml (Learmonth observations)
When at the sites please remember that they are in sanctuary zones so fishing (commercial and recreational) or the collection of shells and invertebrates is not allowed. Please protect the reef by not walking on the coral or kicking it with your flippers or knocking it with your paddle.