Home > Ningaloo Turtle Program annual report 2009-2010

Ningaloo Turtle Program annual report 2009-2010

Posted on 12 October 2011

TitleNingaloo Turtle Program annual report 2009-2010
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsGourlay, T, Markovina K, Prophet M, Whiting A
Date Published06/2010
InstitutionNingaloo Turtle Program
Report NumberAnnual report 2009-2010
Keywordsbiodiversity, Ningaloo, turtles
AbstractThe Ningaloo Turtle Program (NTP) was established in 2002 as a collaborative project between Cape Conservation Group Inc (CCG), World Wildlife Fund (WWF)-Australia and the Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC)-Exmouth District. The primary aim of the program is to promote the long-term survival of turtle populations within the Ningaloo region by collecting longterm trend data on marine turtle population size. For the purpose of the program, the Ningaloo region is divided spatially into a hierarchical classification. There are four divisions within Ningaloo: North West (NW) Cape division, Cape Range division, Bundera/Ningaloo division, and Coral Bay division. Each division is then further divided into sections and sub-sections.
Ningaloo turtle program annual report 2009_10.pdf4.43 MB