Home > Stressed ecosystems: Better decisions for Australia's future - Recommendations Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank 2011

Stressed ecosystems: Better decisions for Australia's future - Recommendations Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank 2011

Posted on 21 February 2012

TitleStressed ecosystems: Better decisions for Australia's future - Recommendations Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank 2011
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2012
Date Published01/2012
InstitutionAustralian Academy of Science
ISBN Number978 0 85847 305 8
AbstractThe management of fi nite natural resources presents complex challenges for Australia. Many activities aff ect Australia’s diverse ecosystems including mining, agriculture, urbanisation, invasive species, tourism, changed disturbance regimes as well as natural events such as fl ood and drought. As the demand for natural resources grows we face diffi cult trade-off s between what sea or land use should occur where and at what cost. Decision making is the process of choosing between actions and therefore requires a prediction of the consequence of those actions. Hence robust decision making for Australia’s stressed ecosystems depends on reliable models of ecosystems built on credible scientifi c, economic and social data, and an understanding of the uncertainties in these predictions. ‘Models’ (quantitative or qualitative) are important for understanding the interplay between human activities and ecological eff ects, identifying methods to foreshadow and mitigate negative impacts on ecological systems, and making plans for preserving and sustaining ecosystems. The 2011 Theo Murphy High Flyers Think Tank brought together about 60 early career scientists and social scientists with diverse backgrounds, to discuss new approaches to understanding the eff ects of stress on complex ecological systems. Four Australian ecosystems were utilised as case studies for discussion: a Queensland’s Bowen and Surat Basins b Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia c Melbourne’s peri-urban grasslands d the Murray-Darling Basin.
Refereed DesignationUnknown
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