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Biology and biodiversity
Sponge functional growth forms as a means for classifying sponges without taxonomy

Christine Hanna Lydia Schönberg (AIMS), Jane Fromont (WAM)
RV Solander Open Day and Exposition
The RV Solander is at the south side of Exmouth Marina. Turn into Mortiss St (shown as Market St on Google Maps) from Murat Rd and follow it around to Neal Cove until you reach the commercial area of the Marina.
CEBEL Dolphin Research on the North West Cape

For the winter months (May to October) of 2013 and 2014 researchers from the Cetacean Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution Lab (CEBEL) at Flinders University (South Australia) will be undertaking research on the Australian humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) around the inshore waters of the North West Cape (NWC).
Ningaloo Coast World Heritage values

The Ningaloo Coast was nominated for World Heritage listing in January 2010 by the Australian Government with the support of the Western Australia Government.