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Coral biodiversity

Underwater robots audit deepwater biodiversity at Ningaloo Reef

Posted on 17 April 2013

Since 1997, marine scientists and engineers have  been using robot called Sirius to explore the ocean floor at Ningaloo Reef. This Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV), equipped with high resolution cameras and sonar and the ability to navigate on its own, has allowed them to gain unparalleled insights into deep water environments.

AIMS Long term monitoring sites at Ningaloo Reef

Posted on 17 April 2013

These are the locations of benthic lifeform and substrate monitoring data from 1993 onwards. Data is maintined by the AIMS datacenter in the RM_VPOINT table of the NMPMP database. Percentage cover of different substrate types and benthic organisms (particularly corals), identified to benthic group or lifeform level.

Ningaloo Hyvista remote sensing lagoonal habitat data

Posted on 24 January 2013

In 2006 the marine habitats of the Ningaloo fringing reef in north-western Australia were mapped at high spatial and thematic resolution for the first time. The reef, spanning three degrees of latitude, and covering 762 km2 was mapped to 20 m depth using HyMap airborne hyperspectral imagery at 3.5 m resolution.

Surveys of deepwater benthic communities using a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV).

Posted on 20 January 2013

The ROV was used in four different locations and communities of the marine park to gather more detailed video data of different benthic communities, previously identified from towed video. Due to its stability and manoeuvrability the ROV was also used to gather 'in situ' video footage of individual sponges, soft corals, gorgonians and other benthic species making up each community.