Home > How large is the world's largest fish? Measuring whale sharks Rhincodon typus with laser photogrammetry

How large is the world's largest fish? Measuring whale sharks Rhincodon typus with laser photogrammetry

Posted on 02 August 2011

TitleHow large is the world's largest fish? Measuring whale sharks Rhincodon typus with laser photogrammetry
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsRohner, CA, Richardson AJ, Marshall AD, Weeks SJ, Pierce SJ
JournalJournal of Fish Biology
Pagination378 - 385
Date Published01/2011
Keywordsbiodiversity, whale sharks
AbstractLaser photogrammetry was found to be a promising new cost-effective technique for measuring free-swimming whale sharks Rhincodon typus. Photogrammetric measurements were more precise than visual size estimates by experienced researchers, with results from the two methods differing by 9· 8 ± 1· 1% (mean ±s.e.). A new metric of total length and the length between the fifth gill and first dorsal fin (r2 = 0· 93) is proposed to facilitate easy, accurate length measurements of whale sharks in the field.
Refereed DesignationRefereed